David Flakelar


David Flakelar

“Several years ago when I was treating a middle aged female senior executive with a double mastectomy, she pleaded with me to 'make sure you take what you do into the corporate world as people shouldn’t have to die for their job' rung a loud bell that still tolls within me today.

This combined with my personal desire to help people more broadly, started me on a journey to​ ​adapt 20 years of experience as an energy medicine practitioner​ and facilitator​, and apply those skills to help​ individuals improve their health and performance for both business and sport.

The objective was clear: design a training program where both the business and employee enjoy a​ ​win win working together for long term success – this is the primary reason why Inner Performance was founded.”

David is a well respected, dynamic and inspiring health and personal development professional, with over 20 years experience in Australia and North America.

David has worked successfully in corporate, sports and personal arenas. Firms like Swaab Attorneys, Blainey North, award winning interior architects, and professional athletes, like surfer Owen Wright, decorated paralympic swimmer Mathew Levy. David also helped teams like Australian woman’s baseball helping them qualify at the world cup in Tokyo.

Qualified as a health professional in energy medicine, life coaching and mindfulness meditation, David’s philosophy grounded in science, combined with energy medicine emerges as a powerful revolutionary approach verified by years of successful consultations in private practice, sporting teams and businesses.

David’s philosophy is strongly centred around the lost art of “self care” and “personal transformation” which when skillfully harnessed leads to superior performance both on a personal and professional level.

Passionate about personal transformation, David has worked with thousands of people transform their health, improve relationships and attain a higher level of professional performance building success across all aspects of their lives.


Bachelor Applied Science Curtin University

Qualified Energy Medicine Practitioner AcuEnergetics®

Registered Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Meditation Association Australia

Certified Level 1 IECL Executive Coach