Meditation is Essential

Getting clear on what’s important for you and having the passion, courage and motivation to get out of bed doesn’t just happen – if it did most people would be happy and fulfilled.

After a decade of helping people achieve their health and happiness, I believe meditation is one of the key ingredients that help people achieve their goals.

In my experience you need to meditate to cultivate a positive state of mind so it’s easy to get past fear and self-doubt that often prevents you from reaching your goals.

Meditation brings clarity and a still mind that can help you identify your needs to help you achieve success in your life irrespective of your background, current state of mind or future aspirations.

As you are aware, we recently launched Meditation Essentials on iTunes.

Due to its popularity, we decided to also make it available for free on Spotify and Google Play.

I hope you can join me in sharing my knowledge and experience to help you find the peace that lies within.


The evolution of a soul’s journey


The Secrets of Spring